Glew Custom Reporting Monthly Update [November]

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November 30, 2022


For anyone who's tuned in previously, we've held a series of more highly specific webinars for Glew Plus and Looker, how to leverage that solution, and how to get the most out of your analytics and business intelligence reporting.

For this webinar, and upcoming webinars as a part of our new monthly series format for Glew Custom Reporting - resident experts Nick Appenzeller and Mitch Hartjes will be walking through the past month's monthly product release for Glew Plus (Glew Custom Reporting) and Looker, and then wrap it up with a few notes on things coming down the pipe that everyone can look forward to.

The topics covered in this webinar will range from new data tables that are available, new fields that have been added to existing data tables, new functionality and enhancements throughout those data tables, and more. If you have any questions related to how these new features, functions, data tables, and fields work - please reach out to your account manager!

Quick hits

  • 5:34: New Shopify abandoned cart data available to report on within your Shopify integration
  • 6:25: Two new tables added to Shopify Orders Explore - (shopify order note attributes, shopify product meta)
  • 7:45: New table added to Shopify Fulfillment Orders Explore - (shopify fulfillment item properties)
  • 9:27: How certain tables function with a key and value type relationship
  • 12:40: New map layer added to our Shopify Orders explore that allows you to see data broken down in the UK and not just the US
  • 14:30: Time Zone Conversion Enhancements
  • 15:37: Comparison Periods - All of the comparison period code for our Gorgias integration has been pushed out live. For more on how to run these, check out our Time Frame Comparison Analysis Webinar
  • 17:57: Alternate Week Start Field - We have pushed out live the ability to change the week start date when grouping data in your reports by week. How to use this functionality (18:57)
  • 22:20: New Brightpearl fields were added to our Brightpearl integration for both the Orders and Refunds Explores - (allocation_status, due_date, parent_order_id, created_by_id)
  • 22:48: Three new tables added to the Brightpearl Inventory Explore - (Price Lists, Contacts, Product Custom Fields)
  • 23:00: New Shipstation Billing Address Fields added for the Shipstation Orders Explore - (billing_city, billing_state, billing_zip, billing_country)
  • 23:14: Two new Shiphero Explores for picking and packing data - (Picker, Packer)
  • 23:36: New Yotpo Fields added for the Yotpo Customers Explore -(opt_in, opt_in_at)
  • 23:50: Three new fields added to the Brightpearl Journals Explore - (due_date, tax_date, description)
  • 25:00: Two new integrations getting ready to be rolled out for Glew Custom Reporting - (Square, Salesforce Marketing Cloud)

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